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新闻 & 事件 新数据揭示了美国小企业的挑战、机遇和生命周期



Median small business life expectancy is 5.3 years, varies significantly across industries

Non-employer small 企业, which constitute an overwhelming majority of firms, are 5x more likely to exit the marketplace than to hire 员工


今天, 澳博官方网站app研究所(JP摩根 追逐 研究所)发布了一份新报告,首次对美国银行业的生命周期进行了深入分析.S. small 企业, 包括导致不同类型小企业成长和失败的因素. By analyzing the revenues 现金流s of 1.3 million small 企业, " 增长、活力和现金流:来自100万家小企业的高频证据," reveals that although small 企业 in the U.S. are often treated as a uniform sector, they are not; they vary in terms of growth, 员工, 现金流 management.

"American small 企业 vary greatly in size, number of 员工, 融资, 现金流, 了解这一范围的广度对于制定真正帮助美国小企业的公共政策和商业战略至关重要," said Diana Farrell, President and CEO, JP摩根 追逐 研究所. “虽然很多人认为‘瞪羚’和硅谷初创企业是通往美国的关键.S. economic growth, 自筹资金的小型企业可能永远不会雇佣员工或获得外部融资,但它们对我们的经济做出了重大贡献,是小型企业部门的引擎."

事实上, 大多数小企业现在不是,将来也不会是严重依赖融资或雇佣员工的企业, 但是,他们仍然创造了小企业总收入的很大一部分,并对经济做出了巨大贡献. 在12个不同的行业中,美国小企业的平均预期寿命是5年.3年,房地产公司9年,餐馆3年.7 years before exiting. Across all business types, 不雇佣员工的公司退出市场的可能性是雇佣员工的五倍.

该报告利用澳博官方网站app独特的交易级数据来揭示每日收入, 费用, and 融资 cash. 这提供了不同类型的企业对经济的贡献以及现金流管理对小企业成果的重要性的深刻理解.

对这些数据的分析也为实际的小企业如何管理其现金流提供了新的经验见解. 以前, 政策制定者没有关于小企业如何管理财务的数据,这些数据无法解释小企业融资之间的关系, 现金流, 和经济增长, 或者可以用来制定支持不同类型小企业发展的政策.

The report divides small 企业 into four types based on size, 复杂性, 以及确定不同小企业部门的经济贡献的活力.

  • Financed Growth: This sector accounts for 3 percent of small firms, such as a new hamburger chain or a tech startup, that intend to grow through substantial use of external 融资. 这些企业有潜力为整体经济做出巨大贡献, though approximately 20 percent of these firms fail within four years.
  • Organic Growth: 这些公司是美国小企业中最大的部门,占所有公司的一半以上. These include 企业, such as a consultancy founded by someone with years of industry experience, that intend to grow with limited use of external 融资. 这可能包括在雇主和非雇主身份之间转换的大部分企业. Across sectors, organic growth 企业 are most likely to fail, with 31 percent of firms exiting within four years.
  • Stable Small Employer: 公司, such as a local doctor’s office, that employ a small number of people, generally between five and 20, and are not likely to seek external 融资. Twelve percent of these firms exited within the first four years after launch.
  • 稳定微: These types of 像当地的干洗店这样的企业通常不雇佣员工或只雇佣很少的员工. 这些公司为大量的小企业主家庭提供经济支持, whose 企业 may not grow significantly over time. 在这些企业中,15%的公司可能会在四年内退出.

Additional highlights from the findings include:


  • Organic growth small 企业 play a significant role in revenue generation, but are also the most fragile and take big risks. 在存活1年以上的企业中,31%以上的企业将在第4年之前退出市场.

发现二:获得融资的成长型公司更集中在某些行业和城市, but organic growth firms abound in every industry and city.

  • 圣何塞和旧金山等地的公司获得小型成长型企业融资的可能性是后者的三倍, 但有机成长型公司对整体经济增长的贡献更大,并在更广泛的地域范围内分配这种增长的好处.


  • The majority of nonemployer small 企业 remain nonemployers, and the overwhelming majority of employer 企业 remain employers. 每年, a small percentage of nonemployers become employers, but the likelihood of their transition decreases as firms mature.


  • 费用不稳定的小企业(相对于收入)比那些有其他现金流模式的小企业更有可能退出, 这表明,大笔的、可能出乎意料的开支可能特别难以管理.

Finding Five: Stable firms survive, growing dynamic firms transition to more predictable 现金流 patterns, and declining dynamic firms exit the market.

  • 新的充满活力的小企业特别容易出现某些类型的不规则现金流. Financed growth firms are especially likely to have sporadic revenues, 有机成长型公司的收入和支出时间尤其可能不稳定. 对于生存和成长的公司来说,这些类型的违规行为变得不那么常见了.

澳博官方网站app研究所是一家智库,致力于为公众利益提供数据丰富的分析和专家见解. Its aim is to help decision makers–policymakers, 企业, and nonprofit leaders–appreciate the scale, 粒度, 多样性, 以及全球经济体系的相互联系,利用及时的数据和深思熟虑的分析,做出更明智的决定,促进所有人的繁荣. Drawing on JP摩根 追逐 & Co.’s unique proprietary data, 专业知识, and market access, 该研究所对全球经济的内部运作进行了分析和见解, frames critical problems, and convenes stakeholders and leading thinkers. For more information visit: JP摩根追逐研究所.com.